We receive consistent and commonly asked questions about our business and about plant related. On this page, we'll answer questions that you have that may have been answered before in the past.
Frequently asked Questions List for your garden and needs
Questions asked in the past by past or current customers are all answered here below for your information and needs. We aim to ensure customers know about our business and how to take care of their garden properly.

How often should I water?
The number of times you water your garden all depends on factors such as:
The climate
Where you currently live with the garden
Time of the year
Amount of rainfall you receive
Type of soil you are using and have
Where the plants are currently located in your garden
If your plants are in containers or in the ground soil
Soil dries out faster during the hot and dry months then it would during the winter and colder times. Certain plants also need more water then others which will determine how much you need to water everyday. Read labels and information regarding the plants and seeds you purchase in order to know and understand the consumption levels of water the plants need. Sticking your finger in the soil 1 inch deep will help you tell whether the soil is dry or moist. If moist, wait until the soil is dry because overwatering could damage the plants and seeds. If the soil is dry, water deeply.

What's the difference between compost and mulch?
Organic Soil Amendment
Decomposed materials
Most of the time mixed into soil
Adds nutrients to soil and helps improve soil structure
Organic and Inorganic materials
Used to spread on top of soil
Helps reduce weed growth
Reduce Erosion
Moderate soil temperature
Improve moisture retention
Ex: Wood chips, gravel, straw, and pine needles

How often should I fertilize my plants?

It all depends on what you're fertilizing and what type of fertilizer you are going to be using for your plants.
Fruit Trees
Grass Lawn
Vegetable Garden

Fertilize once during the spring season
2-3 times a calendar year
Every 3-4 weeks
Plant Garden

Every 4-6 weeks
Each plant type has a type of fertilizer and certain scheduling for what is best for that specific plant when fertilizing. Plants will die if you over fertilize and increasing the nitrogen levels in soil will give too much for the plants to handle or take in.

What does partial sun/partial shade/full sun/full shade mean?

Shade refers to the spots and spaces in your garden that aren't receiving enough sunlight of hours for each day. Partial shade and partial sun refer to areas in your garden that are getting about 4 hours and 6 hours of sun every day. Some plants will need partial shade and will do better at the lower end of sun exposure scaling. If your plant needs partial sun, you should most likely put the plant at the higher end of the sun exposure. Full sun means to areas in the garden that recieve 6 hours of sun each day.

How do I know when a plant is established?

It takes time for the root system to develop and spread around the soil surrounding it. This is after you transplant a plant into your garden. This is where your plants need food and water in order for the root systems of your plants to be extracted since their roots can't normally extract them from the soil. The moment the root system is established, fed, and sprouted throughout the soil, you will see growth from the plants above soil level. Certain plants take years if not more then 2 years to become established in your garden.

What are soil amendments and what do they do?

Soil amendments are materials that are added to soil to help soil structure, enhance drainage or moisture retention, adjust the soil's pH, and adds nutrients. Certain plants like certain soils so soil amendments is always a benefit for any type of soil.

What are the easiest vegetables to grow?

Some of the easiest foods to grow are lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and radishes. Radishes are a good option because you can go from seed to harvest. Enjoying your own garden and food you grow saves a lot of time from shopping. Seeds are also cheaper and more enjoyable to admire your work and time you committed to your garden.